Congratulations to the 8th grade 8A 2023 District Champs!
Please complete your 2024-25 athletic physical (dated 5/1/24 or later) before school starts August 12. Also complete all online forms on the LCISD Athletics Parent Portal so you can be eligible to tryout for volleyball. Physicals can be dropped off at the RJH front office.
LCISD Athletics Parent Portal Online Forms
2024-2025 UIL Athletic Physical Form
2024 Girls Volleyball Tryouts will be held August 14-16th.
Physical & Rank One must be completed to tryout.
Sign up for tryouts using the QR code below with your school issued Microsoft email.

Sign up for only the Sports You for your grade level to receive updated info as it occurs.
8th grade VB Sports You:

7th grade VB Sports You:

Head Coach
Jackie Garcia-Rameau
All athletes must have a current physical on file, along with the online paperwork completed to tryout or participate in LCISD Athletics.