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Reading Junior High

Home of the Longhorns


2024-2025 Reading JH Football Information

Parents, please see the athletics home page for updates on physicals and Rank One information.  
     -Practices will begin the 2nd week of school (Aug. 19th)
Due to school starting later, BOTH grade levels will have morning practice!!               
                -8th grade will practice from 7:15am-8:45am 
                -7th grade will practice from 8:15am-9:45am
-Equipment and lockers will be issued the 1st week of school (NO PRACTICE)
 The ONLY equipment the athlete must provide on their own is cleats, we will provide everything else.         Practices will be 5 days a week until games start (Week of Sept. 4) and then be modified to 3 days a week.  
-More information will be sent home with students the 1st week of school. 
-Athletes will need to provide their own water bottle to practice and games!

Please complete all online forms here:

LCISD Athletics Parent Portal Online Forms
All online forms must be completed in their entirety and the physical exam form must be returned to the athletic trainer or athlete’s head coach before a student participates in any try-out, practice, athletic class, open gym, open weight room, athletic competition, or travels with an athletic team for any purpose


 Please call 832-223-4497 if you have any questions.
 George Ranch H.S. / Reading Jr. High
 Head AT Lance Hale

Head Coach
Travis Gann  

All athletes must have a current physical on file to tryout or participate LCISD Athletics.