Left to Right: Abby Pierce, Sophia Musser, Angelina Chable, Shelby Williams, Cami Garcia, Sofia Giordano, Marlie Armatta, Mia Edwards, Kendall Diepraam, Brooke Barnett, Lindsay Schultz, Brooke Heitkamp, Olivia Coddou, Emma Dereska, Ava Greig, Nyah Curtis, Myla Williams, Brynn Johnson, Faith Kadiri, Mallory Holmes, Alexis Ramirez, Charlie Daugherty, Ashni Bhagat, Kyleigh Meuth
Cheer Sponsor
Karinda Sowell
Cheerleading tryouts are held every Spring for the next school year. Announcements and email blasts are made well in advance to inform students and parents of dates and times of tryouts.